AWS Cost Efficiency

AWS Elastic Container Service: Strategies for Cost Optimization


Did you know?

AWS ECS can reduce infrastructure management overhead by up to 80% compared to managing containerized applications on bare metal servers or virtual machines.

ECS, provided by AWS, is a scalable and fully managed service for orchestrating containers. It streamlines the process of deploying, managing, and scaling Docker containers, making it easy to run containerized applications smoothly. According to reports, in 2023, Docker dominated the containerization market with a 32% market share and an 87% adoption rate as the primary runtime engine. [1]

This guide delves into ECS pricing and optimization, discussing its impact on key industries like technology, finance, healthcare, retail, and entertainment. It offers insights to help businesses make informed containerization decisions.

Utilization of AWS ECS

AWS ECS is widely adopted across diverse industries for its flexibility and robust features:

• Technology: Tech companies leverage ECS to architect microservices, facilitating agility and scalability. ECS integrates seamlessly with CI/CD pipelines, automating software delivery and ensuring rapid deployments.

• Finance: In the finance sector, ECS is instrumental in supporting high frequency trading platforms, providing the speed and reliability required for real-time transactions. Financial institutions also utilize ECS for advanced fraud detection systems, analyzing large datasets to identify anomalies and mitigate risks effectively.

• Healthcare: ECS plays a crucial role in healthcare organizations by enabling efficient medical imaging analysis, genomics research, and patient data management. Its scalability and security features make it ideal for handling sensitive medical data while ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

• Retail: Retailers rely on ECS to power their e-commerce platforms, ensuring seamless customer experiences and efficient order processing. ECS also supports personalized recommendation engines, helping retailers deliver targeted product suggestions to enhance customer engagement and increase sales.

• Entertainment: In the entertainment industry, ECS is used to deliver content through scalable content delivery networks, ensuring smooth streaming experiences for users worldwide. ECS also powers real-time gaming infrastructure, providing the low latency and high availability required for immersive gaming experiences.

In each sector, ECS enables organizations to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and drive innovation, ultimately delivering better services to customers and staying competitive in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Adoption of ECS

Over time, ECS (Elastic Container Service) adoption has surged as organizations seek efficient container management. Initially introduced by AWS, ECS has evolved to meet the demands of modern microservices architectures. Its features, like task definitions and integration with AWS services, make it a preferred choice. Compatibility with Kubernetes via services like Amazon EKS further expands its appeal. Expect ECS adoption to continue driving innovation in containerized application deployment.

AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) Cost Drivers

The table outlines pricing for Amazon ECS launch types: AWS Fargate, Amazon EC2, and ECS on AWS Outposts. Each offers unique pricing for deploying containers. With options like pay-per-use with Fargate and pay-as-you-go with EC2, it provides insights into cost considerations for ECS workloads.[2]

Launch Type Pricing Details Pricing Range Details
Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 pricing Varies based on instance type and usage - Pay for underlying EC2 instances and Amazon EBS storage volumes.
- Choose from On-Demand, Reserved Instances, Spot Instances, Savings Plans, or Dedicated Host pricing.
AWS Fargate AWS Fargate Pricing $0.04048 - $0.09148 per vCPU/hour - Pay for virtual CPU, memory, and storage capacity used by containerized applications.
- No upfront fees.
Amazon ECS on AWS Outposts AWS ECS on AWS Outposts Pricing Varies based on configuration - Pay for EC2 instances, Amazon S3 usage, and Amazon EBS gp2 volume usage.
- Choose from All Upfront, Partial Upfront, or No Upfront payment options.
Amazon ECS Anywhere AWS ECS Anywhere pricing $0.01025 per hour - Pay for managed ECS Anywhere on-premises instances.
- No upfront commitments or minimum fees.

  • Pricing Example: For example, your service uses 10 ECS tasks running Windows for 1 hour (3600 seconds) every day for one month where every ECS Task uses 1 vCPU and 2GB memory.
  • Monthly CPU charges: Total vCPU charges = (Number of Tasks) x (Number of vCPUs) x (Price per CPU-second) x (CPU duration per day in seconds) x (Number of days)=Total vCPU charges = 10 x 1 x 0.0000254167 x 3600 x 30 = $27.45
  • Monthly Windows OS charges: Total memory charges = (Number of Tasks) x (Number of vCPUs) x (OS price per CPU-second) x (CPU duration per day in seconds)(Number of days)=Total Windows OS charges = 10 x 1 x 0.0000127778 x 3600 x 30 = $13.80
  • Monthly memory charges: Total memory charges = (Number of Tasks) x (Memory in GB) x (Price per GB) x (Memory duration per day in seconds) x (Number of days)=Total memory charges = 10 x 2 x 0.0000027778 x 3600 x 30 = $6.00
  • Monthly Fargate compute charges: Monthly Fargate compute charges = (Monthly CPU charges) + (Monthly Windows OS charges) + (Monthly memory charges) +(Monthly Fargate compute charges) = $27.45 + $13.80 + $6.00 = $47.25

Strategies for Cost Optimization in ECS

1. ECS Auto Scaling

To reduce ECS costs with EC2 Auto Scaling, implement dynamic scaling based on workload demand. Define scaling policies, use target tracking, and schedule scaling based on predictable patterns. Consider Spot Instances for further savings. Continuously monitor and adjust scaling to optimize costs while ensuring performance.

Scheduling Type Description
Service Scheduler Automatically manages the placement of tasks onto container instances based
on defined constraints and requirements, ensuring high availability and scalability.
Task Scheduler Manually schedules individual tasks to run on specific container instances
or within specific Availability Zones, providing fine-grained control over task placement.

By using Amazon ECS and ECS Anywhere, 3dEYE can dynamically scale its containerized applications based on workload demand. This ensures they only use the resources necessary for current workloads, helping to manage and reduce costs.-Slava Hrytsevich ,Chief Executive Officer and Founder, 3dEYE [4]

2. Multiple load balancer target groups

To reduce ECS costs, utilize multiple load balancer target groups. Segment traffic based on criteria like application version or user type to optimize resource usage. This approach enables efficient scaling and allocation of ECS tasks, resulting in significant cost savings while maintaining performance. Optimizing CPU and memory resources for each container based on actual usage, preventing over-provisioning and minimizing costs while avoiding performance issues. To reduce ECS costs through right-sizing containers by:

  • Analyze Resource Utilization- Continuously monitor container resource usage to pinpoint inefficiencies and allocate resources optimally, leading to cost reduction in ECS.
  • Adjust Container Resources- Dynamically scale container CPU and memory resources in response to workload fluctuations, preventing over-provisioning and unnecessary expenses in ECS.
  • Optimize Task Definitions- Fine-tune task definitions to specify precise resource requirements and dependencies, minimizing resource waste and decreasing ECS costs.

3. Reserved Instances and Savings Plans

Reduce ECS costs by effectively leveraging Reserved Instances (RIs) and Savings Plans. Analyze usage patterns to identify predictable workloads suitable for RIs or Savings Plans, potentially saving up to 50% on instance costs. Continuously monitor and optimize RI and Savings Plans utilization to align with workload demands. Consider combining RIs or Savings Plans with Spot Instances for additional cost savings.

4.Leverage Graviton instances and Spot Instances

To reduce ECS costs, leverage Graviton instances and Spot Instances. Graviton processors like Graviton2 and Graviton3 offer cost-efficient performance for container workloads, providing savings without sacrificing performance. Spot Instances offer spare capacity at lower prices, further reducing costs. Migrate tasks to Graviton instances and configure ECS clusters for Spot Instances in flexible workloads. Continuously monitor prices, diversify instance requests, and adjust allocation strategies for optimal cost optimization while maintaining performance. Overall, combining Graviton instances and Spot Instances intelligently within ECS clusters can yield significant cost reductions of 30% to 70%.

Explore more on choosing Graviton instances for optimizing ECS costs and performance with these recommended blogs:

These resources will help you make informed decisions when selecting Graviton instances for your Amazon ECS deployments.

5. Use of spot Fargate

To reduce ECS costs, consider leveraging Spot Fargate, which allows you to run tasks at a lower cost compared to Fargate On-Demand by utilizing spare capacity at discounted prices, like EC2 Spot Instances. Additionally, setting service quotas (formerly known as limits) can help control the maximum number of ECS resources, such as tasks, services, or clusters, that can be provisioned in your AWS account. This proactive approach helps prevent unexpected costs due to resource over-provisioning and enables better cost management strategies.  

Using Amazon ECS with AWS Fargate, Flywire architected a modernized stack, and reduced its startup times by 60 percent and saved up to 70 percent on compute costs.-José Luis Salas, Head of Site Reliability Engineering, Flywire [3]

6. Efficient Log Management

To effectively reduce EKS costs, utilize the Compute Advisor for ECS, which offers tailored insights and recommendations for containerized workloads. One crucial aspect to focus on is the management of container logs, typically sent to CloudWatch, which can contribute to costs. Implementing log rotation, setting retention policies, and applying filters are recommended practices to limit the volume of logs stored in CloudWatch. By optimizing log verbosity levels and implementing filters to capture only essential information, you can reduce the amount of data sent to CloudWatch, thereby minimizing associated costs. These strategies help in effectively optimizing overall EKS expenditure while ensuring efficient management of container logs.

To efficiently manage logs and reduce costs, you can use the AWS SDK for Python (boto3) to configure log rotation, set retention policies, and apply filters for logs sent to CloudWatch. Here is a short code snippet demonstrating this:

import boto3

# AWS credentials are assumed to be set up via environment variables or IAM role
logs_client = boto3.client('logs', region_name='us-west-2')

log_group_name = '/aws/eks/your-cluster-name/container-logs'

# Set log retention policy to 7 days
def set_log_retention_policy(log_group_name, retention_in_days):
    print(f"Retention policy set to {retention_in_days} days for log group: {log_group_name}")

# Create a filter to capture only essential logs
def create_log_filter(log_group_name, filter_pattern, filter_name, metric_name):
                'metricName': metric_name,
                'metricNamespace': 'YourNamespace',
                'metricValue': '1'
    print(f"Log filter created: {filter_name} for log group: {log_group_name}")

# Set log retention policy to 7 days
set_log_retention_policy(log_group_name, 7)

# Create a filter to capture only ERROR logs
create_log_filter(log_group_name, 'ERROR', 'error-filter', 'ERROR')

7. Tagging ECS elements

Tagging ECS elements can help reduce ECS costs by providing visibility and control over resource usage. By strategically assigning tags to ECS resources such as tasks, services, clusters, and container instances, organizations can track and categorize their infrastructure based on different criteria such as environment (e.g., production, development), application (e.g., web server, database), or cost center (e.g., department, project).

To tag ECS resources, you can use the AWS CLI .

# Tag ECS cluster
aws ecs tag-resource \
    --resource-arn arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:123456789012:cluster/your-cluster-name \
    --tags key=Environment,value=Production key=CostCenter,value=1234

# Tag ECS service
aws ecs tag-resource \
    --resource-arn arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:123456789012:service/your-cluster-name/your-service-name \
    --tags key=Application,value=WebServer key=Environment,value=Production

# Tag ECS task
aws ecs tag-resource \
    --resource-arn arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:123456789012:task/your-cluster-name/your-task-id \
    --tags key=Application,value=Database key=CostCenter,value=5678


Optimizing costs with AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) is crucial for efficient container management. Leveraging ECS's scalability and cost-effective pricing enables businesses to streamline operations without overspending. Smart strategies like Auto Scaling, load balancing, and resource optimization help save money while maintaining performance. Moreover, utilizing Reserved Instances, Savings Plans, and Spot Instances can further reduce costs. By implementing these tactics and monitoring resource usage, organizations ensure cost-efficient ECS deployment, resulting in smoother operations and better financial outcomes.


1. Market share of leading containerization technologies worldwide 2023

2. Amazon Elastic Container Registry Pricing - Amazon Web Services

3. Flywire Improves Speed to Deployment by 60% Using Amazon ECS with AWS Fargate | Case Study

4. 3dEYE Case Study


1. Is AWS ECS cost effective?

Yes, AWS ECS is cost-effective as it allows you to run and scale containerized applications easily, with flexible pricing options like Spot Instances and Fargate.

2. How much does ECS cost per hour?

The cost of ECS per hour varies based on the instance types and configurations you choose. Fargate pricing, for example, is $0.04048 per vCPU per hour and $0.004445 per GB of memory per hour.

3. What is the difference between ECS and Fargate?

Amazon ECS is a container orchestration service that can run containers on EC2 instances or AWS Fargate, which is a serverless compute engine for running containers without managing the underlying infrastructure. ECS provides more control over the underlying instances, while Fargate abstracts away infrastructure management, offering a serverless experience.

4. What is the advantage of using ECS?

ECS simplifies running and scaling containerized applications, integrates well with other AWS services, and offers flexible pricing and deployment options.

5.Can an ECS task have multiple containers?

Yes, an ECS task can have multiple containers, allowing you to define interdependent services within a single task definition.

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