How BrightQuery cut AWS costs by 20% in just two weeks with OneLens

Published on

October 15, 2024

About BrightQuery

BrightQuery is a leading global data intelligence platform. BrightQuery provides the most reliable and accurate insights on over 200 million companies, 1 billion employees, and 300 million directors & officers across the world.  

From empowering hedge funds, private equity firms, and institutional investors with critical investment data to enabling marketers to accelerate their sales efforts, business leaders across industries trust BrightQuery for their data solutions.  


BrightQuery operates entirely on AWS, with the majority of their resources managed under a single AWS account, along with an additional account. BrightQuery’s primary cloud spend goes to EC2, Redshift, S3, RDS, and VPC services.

Due to their multi-region setup, data transfer costs have been a significant contributor to their overall cloud expenses. As BrightQuery scaled, managing these costs while ensuring efficient use of their cloud resources became a critical challenge.  


We had been trying to optimize our cloud costs for some time, but the process was cumbersome and lacked direction, said the COO of BrightQuery, Hari Pulijal.

Despite their efforts, BrightQuery found it difficult to develop a clear strategy for cost optimization. Without a structured approach, planning and executing any significant cost-saving initiatives became a hassle.  

Additionally, with a small team and limited experience across various AWS services, they faced challenges in making informed decisions to optimize their increasing cloud costs.  


In just two weeks of integration, OneLens identified several cost-saving opportunities through a comprehensive analysis of BrightQuery's AWS infrastructure.

  • Redshift: OneLens reviewed Redshift usage and recommended implementing encodings, revealing $130 in monthly savings.
  • S3 Buckets: After analyzing over 100 S3 buckets, OneLens identified those with high storage costs and low access patterns. By suggesting lifecycle policies, it identified $225 in monthly savings. OneLens also detected buckets with older data versions, adding another $100 per month in savings after lifecycle policies were applied.
  • Multipart Upload Failures: OneLens uncovered buckets with failed multipart uploads and recommended lifecycle policies, resulting in an additional $100 per month in savings.

20% reduction on monthly AWS bill

  • Initial Savings: Realized $600 in monthly savings through OneLens, totaling $8,400 annually.
  • Additional Savings: OneLens identified an additional $3,434 in monthly savings.
  • Total Savings: Combined savings of approximately $4,050 per month, representing more than a 20% reduction on BrightQuery’s $19,000 monthly AWS bill.
  • Ongoing Impact: Beyond the first two weeks, OneLens continues to identify cost-saving opportunities, ensuring BrightQuery maintains an efficient and cost-effective cloud infrastructure.

In just one week of engagement, OneLens helped a leading financial services company reduce their cloud costs by
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